"The due administration of JUSTICE is the firmest pillar of good government, I have considered the ...Judicial department as essential to the happiness of our country...hence the selection of the fittest characters to expound the laws, and dispense justice, has been an invariable object of my anxious concern." George Washington
The above quote affixed on top of the columns of the NYS Supreme Courthouse in Manhattan, N.Y., were written to Att. General Edmond Randolph with the goal of ensuring justice to everyone.
But... What happens when justice is intentionally perverted?... When judicial misconduct results in actions that are arbitrary and capricious?... When decisions of local boards go contrary to the laws they claim to uphold?... When determinations are not supported by substantial evidence or on any rational basis?... When illegal decisions result in the financial detriment of the citizens they claim to be public servants of?... When the resulting consequences of judicial injustices are of no concern to the ones that caused them?... When the laws and regulations that are to be followed are tossed out and replaced with personal rules created by 'good old boys' with personal agendas?...
When authority to remove such 'unfit' ones is not taken but rather winked at with approval?...
Remember, 'the due administration of JUSTICE is the firmest pillar of good government.'
Interested to know what the Village of Florida's above mentioned decisions resulted in for a family who trusted them as "public servants"? Mail your request to info@villageofflorida.org